Top 5 Video Marketing Campaigns in 2019

Creating a marketing campaign that works isn’t always easy. There are so many choices and directions you can go, and even more mistakes you can make along the way. In 2019, there have been a few game-changing trends in the marketing scene, and none more vital to growing your business than video marketing.

Videos should be at the heart of any good advertising and marketing strategy. People are visual and social creatures. We are more apt to respond to videos, and videos have been proven to hold a person’s interest better than written content. This is not to say that you shouldn’t invest in quality written content. It is an essential part of any digital marketing plan. Yet videos are an attractive addition to web pages and social media feeds, and they get consistently good responses from audiences.

If you’re still in doubt whether video marketing is right for your business, check out these impressive facts:

  • Videos help people retain more information – up to 65% more.
  • Organic engagement is higher with videos, which means more customer potential.
  • Video retargeting can increase your click-through rate up to 74%.
  • Your competition is probably using video marketing right now.
  • Videos get up to 12x more shares than a typical post.

In a recent survey, it was reported that 50% of consumers prefer video content. With this staggering figure in mind, it stands to reason why many marketing firms are making a shift to include video marketing and production in their lineup of services.

Looking for some inspiration for your video marketing campaign? Take a look at five top videos and marketing campaigns we saw in 2019:

  1. The Company Video
  2. The Customer Testimonial Video
  3. The Emotional Video
  4. The Animated Video
  5. The YouTube Pre-Roll Ad


The Company Video

Probably one of the best videos you can produce or improve in 2019 is your company profile video.

An updated company video can include new services, the company’s achievements and success in the past year and much more. For those who have already visited your site, this will give them a fresh view and new content to enjoy.

Top Company Video Campaign:

Dollar Shave Club

Everything you could want in a video is right here in the Dollar Shave Club’s example. Dollar Shave Club offers subscriptions for razor delivery direct to the customer’s door, for just one dollar. Not only is the video informative, it has hilarious moments too. With the right balance between humor and information, the Dollar Shave Club hits every note in their company video.

The Customer Testimonial Video

Building trust with potential customers is crucial. There is no better way to convey trust than simply showing it. A satisfied customer review or testimonial video speaks volumes about what your business does and how you treat customers. If you don’t currently have a customer testimonial video on your website, now is the time to create one!

For this type of video, you want to keep it real. Make sure to use real customers when you create on-camera testimonials. Avoid using paid actors.

Top Testimonial Video Campaign:

Applied Fitness Solutions

Customers need to connect deeply with your brand. An excellent example is Applied Fitness Solutions with their customer success story video. Every aspect of this video feels and sounds authentic. Not only is Kristina informative, but she also delivers the message in a genuine, personable way that makes her testimonial incredibly trustworthy.

The Emotional Video

The best way to connect with customers is via emotions. A relatable story that tugs at the heartstrings is the basis for an excellent video. Emotionally-driven videos don’t have a strong sales pitch vibe. Instead, they are more aimed at getting a message heard and felt. When crafting an emotional video, it shouldn’t feel rehearsed or cheesy; it should be natural and genuine. Don’t be afraid to include humor if appropriate.

Top Emotional Video Campaign:

American Greetings

American Greetings, the greeting card company, delivered one of the best examples of an emotionally-driven video in 2019, “World’s Toughest Job”. While the video is long, around 4 minutes, it keeps viewers engaged the entire time, with humor, tenderness and even some tears at the end. Aside from a small pitch at the very end, you don’t even notice the sales tactic. Very refreshing.

The Animated Video

Animated videos are often the most cost-effective solution to video marketing. These can be done by a graphic design firm that specializes in video marketing, and offer a unique approach to telling stories. Or there are many DIY video creation tools you can use. Because videos help people retain information better, an animated video describing your products or services can make your brand more memorable.

Top Animated Video Campaign:


Slack’s animated instructional video is bright, clear and well scripted.  Instead of seeming overly generalized, Slack addresses the viewer and their needs directly. It is clear the company used the problem-solution approach, and it went over very well.

The YouTube Pre-Roll Ad

Many companies find harnessing ad space on YouTube to be an excellent method for acquiring new customers. YouTube pre-roll ads usually run for 30 seconds or less, and play immediately before the actual video the user clicked on.

When using YouTube video marketing with pre-roll ads, you can effectively target your ideal audience. You can include demographics, keywords, interests, topics, and where to place your ad.

Top YouTube Pre Roll Ad Campaign:

Hefty-Party Cups

In just 13 seconds, this short video packs a large punch. It uses humor, surprise, catchy music and an even catchier slogan. A definite attention grabber, the video is also highly effective at delivering a clear, central message: ‘this product is full of surprises’.


In the world of marketing today, video is a must. If you are looking to grow your business, boost brand image, reach new customers and increase revenue, don’t leave video marketing out of your content strategy mix. The above examples are just a taste of what we saw in video marketing in 2019. Get inspired to make your marketing videos stand out in 2020.

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