How to Create High-Conversion Content for Your Outbrain Campaigns
How to Create High-Conversion Content for Your Outbrain Campaigns
How to Create High-Conversion Content for Your Outbrain Campaigns
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In 2014, reeling from two deadly disasters, Malaysia Airlines went ahead with a content marketing campaign: “Send us your bucket list of travel destinations!” Bucket list? That list of places you want to see before you die? Not surprisingly, the public was outraged, the company apologized, and the campaign name was changed.1 These kinds of content fails are exactly what you – as a brand marketer or business owner – want to avoid.
How NOT to Do Content Marketing
If you work in marketing, you don’t need us to tell you that getting your audience’s attention is hard. As long as they have an internet connection (and who doesn’t these days?), consumers are faced with endless choices. Bombarded with images and information, no wonder it takes an average of 5 to 7 impressions for people to even remember your brand. There’s something just as bad as not getting noticed, however, and that’s creating embarrassingly bad content. Like the airline example above. There’s another way you don’t want to stand out. And that’s with bad placement.
Unfortunate ad placements happen online and offline – and your brand should avoid them.
In this guide, we’ll show you how to write great content that works for your brand, and how to promote it in the right places.
Native Advertising to the Rescue
Today’s consumers don’t want “ads”. They want valuable, relevant information that improves their lives and solves their problems. Get this: 47% of millennials say that they would trust a financial services company more if it produced useful content.2 You may be wondering how to create that content and how to get it out there in front of your audiences. The answer? Native advertising.
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